Belgian railway signals for PVR, PVA, PVV, PVO, PVJ, FLC and RTL are rendered.
Captions on railway signals are rendered below the signal reference.
The daily deployment of the OSM data now includes North America. The OpenStreetMap data is updated daily.
ETCS zone signals are shown on the map in Belgium.
German signals have been expanded with DV 301 (whistle twice), Zs 103, Ra 6-9 (humping), Ts 1 (helper engine), Zp 10 (close doors), DV 301 (distant signal replacement) (tram), Ne 7 (snow plow), Zs 13 (dead end) and Zp 8 (brake test).
Level crossings with a barrier but without lights are rendered on the map.
Belgian speed signals (PVR, PVA, PVO, PVJ, PVV) and ETCS block markers are rendered on the map.
German signals have been expanded with Sh 7 (tram), Ne 7 (snow plow), Zs 13 (dead end) and Zp 8 (brake test).
German tram signals with priory request are rendered with a specific icon.
German signals have been expanded with Bü 3, Sh 1 (on main signals), Fahrtanzeiger, Zp 9 (departure), A1 (tram departure), LZB start of train protection.
More Finnish signals are rendered on the map: stop (possibly combined with shunting signal), Yo (main, combined, distant, shunting), Po (balise), distant station, Train protection, humping and snowplow signals.
The entrances to subway stations are rendered on the map.
The railway operator and network of stations, milestones and railway crossings are shown on the map and in the popup.
Signals for which no feature is defined, are shown on the map. The most common types of signals (main, train protection, combined, speed limit, distant speed limit, minor, repeated main and electricity) have a specific color, the other types are gray.
If there are multiple types of signals on the same OpenStreetMap node, they will be stacked and shown together. At most five signals can be shown at the same time, in order of importance.
Properties of features are rendered, for example the operator of a railway line, the frequency and voltage for an electricity signal, the speed limit of a speed signal and the UIC reference of a station.
A news button is available to show recent changes to the OpenRailwayMap. If there are new changes, a blue circle will highlight the news button.
Stations are clustered by name if they within 400 meters of each other. Stations of different types are not clustered. The clustering is shown per station type as an area around the stations in the same color as the stations.
Tagged German VAGN Nu tram signals are rendered in the train protection layer.
Abandoned, disused, proposed and razed railway lines are shown on the map.
The content of popups is structured in features. Every layer on the map has a defined set of features, usually the same as those shown in the legend. The features have a set of attributes that are shown in the popup, as well as a name.
Tagged German Sh 4
tram signals are rendered in the train protection layer.
The OpenRailwayMap has support for dark mode. By default system mode is used, which assumes the preferred color mode configured in the operating system / browser. The color mode can be changed to explicit light or dark mode in the configuration screen.
Tagged Polish we10
electrification signals are rendered in the electrification layer.
The rendering of Dutch signalling is improved. The signals that belong to the speed layer have moved to the speed layer. Tagged Dutch signals, such as middenvoetbrugsein
, stopplaatssein
, treinlengtebord
, distant crossing
, drive on sight
, station
, ETCS cab signalling
, ATB distant
, ATB start
, ATB code
, ATB end
, ATB codewissel
, Einde beveiligd gebied
and the positions of ETCS stop markers are rendered on the map.
Tagged German VGF tram electrification signals, such as st9
and st10
are rendered in the electrification layer.
A layer has been added on the map to display the track class of the railway line. The track class could be used in the future to automatically derive speed limits for certain types of transport and countries.
It is possible to zoom in until zoom level 20. This helps when viewing signals that are very close together.
Tagged Spanish electrification signals, such as FI14A
, FI14B
, FI14C
, FI14D
, FI14E
, FI14F
, FI14G
, FI14H
, FI14I
and FI14J
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Swiss electrification signals, such as 703
, 704
, 705
, 706
, 707
, 708
, 709
, 710
, 711
, 712
, 713
, 714
, 715
, 716
, 717
, 717.1
, 718
, 718.1
and 719
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Luxembourgian electrification signals, such as ESFA
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Polish tram electrification signals, such as ct-1
and ct-2
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Belgian electrification signals, such as PBA
and PRL
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged German tram electrification signals, such as DE-BOStrab:st4
, DE-HHA:s2
, DE-BOStrab:st6
, DE-HHA:s1
, DE-BOStrab:st3
and DE-BOStrab:st5
are rendered in the electrification layer.
The difference between railway line labels and milestones is more clear. The milestones use a diferent color and font, and are always rendered upright. The railway line labels are rendered along the track.
Tagged French electrification signals, such as SECT
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Dutch electrification signals, such as 306a
, 307a
, 308a
, 309a
, 310a
, 311
and 320
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged German electrification signals, such as Streckentrennung, ICE Schaltmerkhilfe and combined El1 and El2 signals are rendered in the electrification layer.
Milestones are rendered without the decimal point for the zoom levels where only milestones with positions with zero decimals are shown.
Signal boxes are rendered as dots with their reference below the signal box.
Tagged Finnish electrification signals, such as T-120
, T-121
, T-122
, T-123
, T-124A
, T-125
, and T-133
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Austrian electrification signals, such as Streckentrennung and schaltzeiger are rendered in the electrification layer.
Tagged Polish electrification signals, such as we1
, we2
, we3
, we4
, we8
and we9
are rendered in the electrification layer.
Icons all have a "halo" (a thin border of a single color, for contrast). The halo is now dynamic in color, and supports showing a hover action by changing to a yellow color. The dynamic coloring also allows the railway line preferred direction icons to use the color of the railway line.
A new layer shows the loading gauge of railway lines.
The preferred direction of railways is shown as small arrows on the railway line, in the color of the line.
Milestones are shown in every layer for improved orientation.
Tagged Swedish signals, such as Mellansignal (dvärg), Mellansignal, Växlingsdvärgsignal, Skyddsstopplykta, Mellanblocksignal, Utfartsblocksignal, Infartssignal, Försignal, Repeterbalister, Repetersignal, Orienteringstavla huvudsignal and Vägskyddssignal are rendered in the train protection layer.
Tagged Swiss signals, such as Vorsignal System L, Mini-Hauptsignal System L, Hauptsignal System L, Vorsignal System N, Hauptsignal System N, Minor signal and Fahrtstellungsmelder are rendered in the train protection layer.
There are many train protection systems in use around the world. Some were tagged, but not displayed on the map. All tagged and documented train protection systems are displayed on the map, for example Chinese Train Control System (CTCS), Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES), Автоматическая локомотивная сигнализация (ALS), Advanced Speed Enforcement System (ASES), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Warning System (AWS), Continuous Automatic Warning System (CAWS), Communications Based Train Control (CBTC), Crocodile, EBICAB, Egyesített Éberségi és Vonatbefolyásoló Berendezés (EÉVB), Electronic Train Management System (ETMS), Elektronikus Vonatmegállító (EVM), HastighedsKontol og automatisk Togstop (HKT), Integra Signum, Incremental Train Control System (ITCS), Liniový Systém (LS), Open Control of Trains, Interchangeable & Integrated System (OCTYS), Offre Urbaine Renouvelée et Améliorée, Gérée par un Automatisme Nouveau (OURAGAN), Système d'Aide à la Conduite, à l'Exploitation et à la Maintenance (SACEM), Système d'Automatisation de l'Exploitation des Trains (SAET), SELCAB, Samoczynne Hamowanie Pociągu (SHP), Sistema di Supporto alla Condotta (SSC), 定位置停止装置 (TASC), Transmissie Baken-Lokomotief (TBL), Train Protection & Warning System (TPWS), Zugbeeinflussung S-Bahn Berlin (ZBS), Zugsicherung mit Linienleiter 1990 (ZSL 90), Zugbeeinflussung (ZUB) and Автоматическая блокировка (SATP).
The background map can now be configured with a vector map. Configure a URL of a style JSON, and it will be used to render the background map.
Railway amenities such as fuel, sand stores, coaling facillities, washing facilities, water towers, water cranes, waste disposal, compressed air, preheating, loading gauges, humps (part of hump yards), defect detectors, automatic equipment identification, buffer stops and derailers are rendered in the standard layer.
Reporting marks are rendered for railway lines.
Tagged British main and shunting signals are rendered in the train protection layer.
Tagged Austrian signals, such as Hauptsignal with abfahrt
, Hauptsignal with fahrerlaubnissignal
, bedarfshalt
, haltestellentafel
, schutzsignal
, ek_überwachungssignal
, pfeifpflock
, gruppenpfeifpflock
, endpflock
, fahrwegende
, haltepunkt
, haltscheibe
, abfahrt
, fahrerlaubnissignal
, signalnachahmer
and lzb-bereichskennzeichen
, and support for combinations of main and minor signals with abfahrt
or fahrerlaubnissignal
are rendered in the train protection layer.
The OpenRailwayMap has a search UI to search for facilities on the map, as well as milestones along railway lines. The search results will be shown in a list or on the map.
The facility and milestone search API, forked from the upstream OpenRailwayMap API is available on
. An OpenAPI description of the available APIs, as well as a UI to discover the APIs is available.
The saturation and opacity of the background map can be configured. In addition, the URL of the background tiles can be configured to a tile source of choice. The configuration will be stored in the LocalStorage of the browser.
Lubricators are shown in the standard layer. Vacancy detection in the form of insulated rail joints and axle counters are shown in the train protection layer.
The documentation how you can contribute to OpenRailwayMap has been expanded. Detailed instructions for adding a train protection system, a railway signal or the user interface in general are available, including examples.
Tagged Polish signals, such as d1
, do
, m
, ms
, osp
, s
, s10
, s13
, s1
, s2
, s6
, s9
, sp1
, sp2
, sr
, w1
, w4
, w5
, w6
, w7
, w10
, w11
, w12
, w13
, w16
, w17
, w25
, w29
, w32
, w33
, w34
, wetcs
, z1
, wm4
, wm16
and wm17
are rendered in the train protection layer.
The UI of the OpenRailwayMap is the same for a browser on a desktop, laptop or mobile device. The screen sizes are different, and the map has to work everywhere. The buttons, layer selection and icons have been reworked to ensure all screen sizes have a usable map.
Tagged main and distant French signals, such as Carré
, Sémaphore
, Disque
and Avertissement
are rendered in the train protection layer.
Crossings, level crossings and those with bells, lights and/or barrier have different icons on the standard layer. The owner change and border crossing icons are also made different.
Tagged BME signals in Belgium on the touristic line at Maldegem, such as small_signal_triangle
, small_signal_two_colour
and simplified_stop_signal
are rendered in the train protection layer.
Through a combination of the CircleCI and Github Actions CI systems, it is possible to update the OpenRailwayMap tiles daily for the entirety of Europe.
The legend shows the features in the standard, speed, train protection, electrification and gauge layers. The legend shows only features currently visible on the map, in the same style as the map.
Tagged speed signals in France, such as pancarte_Z
, TIV-D_type_B
, TIV-D_type_C
, pancarte_R
and tableau_P
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Sweden, such as hastighetstavla
, hastighetstavla med pilspets uppåt
, lägre_hastighet
and atc_överskridande
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Finland, such as T-101
, T-102
, T-110
and T-115
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged main signals in Belgium, such as GSA
and PSA
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged VIS
speed signals in Belgium are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Austria, such as geschwindigkeitstafel
, geschwindigkeitsanzeiger
, endsignal
, anfangssignal
, ankündigungssignal
, ankündigung_ek-sicht
, ek-sicht_pfeiftafel
and geschwindigkeitsvoranzeiger
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Switzerland, such as 209
, 110
, 211
, 212
, 213
, 214
, 215
, 217
, 540
, 541
, 549
and 569
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Poland, such as w27a
, w21
, w8
, w9
, w30
and d6
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged tram speed signals in Germany, such as g1a
, g2a
, g1b
, g2b
, g4
and g5
are rendered in the speed layer.
Tagged speed signals in Germany, such as lf1
, lf2
, lf3
, lf4
, zs10
and zs3v
are rendered in the speed layer.
The signals in the train protection, speed and electrification layer show the direction. Signals that can be used in both directions show both directions.
The gauge layer is built with the same style as the original OpenRailwayMap.
The electrification layer is built with the same style as the original OpenRailwayMap.
The speed layer is built with the same style as the original OpenRailwayMap.
The standard layer is built with the same style as the original OpenRailwayMap.
The Github repository hiddewie/OpenRailwayMap-vector
is forked from OpenRailwayMap/OpenRailwayMap-CartoCSS